Fire Watch

0 Comments is Moya Precision and Safety, LLC. which operates under Occ. Code Section 1702.108 as a guard company for the purpose of providing a private watchman, guard, or street patrol service on a contractual basis for another person to:

(1) prevent entry, larceny, vandalism, abuse, fire, or trespass on private property;
(2) prevent, observe, or detect unauthorized activity on private property;
(3) control, regulate, or direct the movement of the public, whether by vehicle or otherwise, only to the extent and for the time directly and specifically required to ensure the protection of property;
(4) protect an individual from bodily harm including through the use of a personal protection officer; or
(5) perform a function similar to a function listed in this section. 

A fire watch service is a temporary measure that involves assigning one or more people to monitor a building for fire hazards, and to respond to emergencies: 

  • When it’s needed

    A fire watch is typically required when a building’s automatic fire protection system is out of service, or during hazardous conditions like construction or maintenance. 

  • What they do

    Fire watch personnel are responsible for:

    • Identifying and controlling fire hazards 
    • Detecting early signs of fire 
    • Raising an alarm and notifying the fire department 
    • Assisting the fire department with information 
    • Establishing contact with the owner or manager 


  • Who does it

    The person performing the work cannot be the fire watch. The fire watch’s sole focus is to watch for and respond to fires, and they cannot perform other duties. 

  • How long it lasts

    The length of a fire watch depends on the reason for it. For example, a fire watch for hot work typically ends 30 minutes after the work is completed. 

    A licensed security company can provide a fire watch service.


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